1954 1955

"In his own words," quotes from Coach Roloff's Biography,Basketball Section:

Dr. Stagg appointed me head coach, the first year was lean, we had football players and a pile up. Facilities were extremely poor and not conducive to recruiting.

Hal Wolf, at my request, changed coaching responsibility. It was logical reasoning as Wolf brought two fine players from the Sacramento area. Wolf introduced the University of Colorado offence where he had played. The system featured the play of Ed Rooney, league leading scorer. Wolf continued as head coach until 1950. The responsibility was again mine as coach. The fortunes of basketball continued to climb reaching a peak in 1953. Recruiting of Norm Hubert and the competitive play of Dan French plus the improvement of Clint Agee led us to a conference championship.

Why the change? The beautiful new Forest Grove High School gym, local fans and alumni interest as well as an interesting alumni coaches tournament held each year for several years.

the 1954 season started with 12 wins, no loses. We met the College of Idaho who had R. C. Owens and a new star Elgin Baylor, a All American high school center from Baltimore, MD. the game was nip and tuck, in the final seconds Hubert was called for offensive charging, making the basket. A homer call, something you always fight in Caldwell, Idaho.

The Badgers continued undefeated following this loss until meeting College of Idaho in a double header in Forest Grove. The first game went into overtime, with College of Idaho winning. Hubert scored 39 pts. and Baylor scored 43 pts. The second night was out right by College of Idaho. We finished second in the Northwest Conference, but our record allowed us to compete for the Nationals in Kansas City. We played Portland Statewho defeated us in a crucial game. Just before they were planning to leave for K. C. two of their men were declared inelgible. What confusion. They didn't go, and neither did we.

Was a good recruiting year as the Badgers landed Jerry Kalapus, 6' 7" from Medford, H. S.., Tom Bourgeois 6' 4", Wendell Neibuhr 6' 9" from Baker H. S., Gary Ames, Estacada H. S., where he played for Truman Osborn ex-Pacific basketball player, Don Adams, son of Vic Adams who replaced me as coach in 1956. this team had a good group of returning lettermen, Dan French, Ed Ramsdell, Don Brenneman, Gene Dreshler and Bill Bacon.

The Badgers tied for 2nd with Linfield, with College of Idaho repeating. The Badgers were invited to the NAIA playoffs, where they finished 3rd. Pacific had a respectable record of 16-10 and 9-6 in conference play. Dan French and Ed Ramsdell made the 1st team all conference, they both will be missed.

In ending my career as the Badger basketball coach, I am leaving a good number of promising players. Of all the players in my basketball career, I would like to pay my sincerest complements to one of the greatest players to play for Pacific under me. He could have player for any school, Danny French.